Located in Richmond, VA


8528 Sanford Drive
Henrico, VA 23228

Typical Hours (by appointment only)
Monday – Friday: 10AM – 5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Please use the contact form below to make an appointment before visiting. We consider unannounced visits disruptive to our workflow, but will gladly give a tour if scheduled in advance.

You can also use this form to submit job or quote requests.

Update: We have been receiving as many as a dozen requests a day for people asking about infant face shields for covid-19. Unfortunately we are only providing these per request to a local hospital, and will not under any circumstances be selling or giving these away to the public. They are for usage under the direct care of a doctor only and we cannot take the risk of misuse that could result in harm or death. Sorry, but we just can’t.